Monthly Archives: July 2014

Peeing is the New Pooping

Hilah Johnson and Laura Vitale, did you ever imagine that one of your most ardent fans would watch most of your videos while sitting on the pot? On Ruby’s behalf as well as my own, I’d like to thank you

Peeing is the New Pooping

Hilah Johnson and Laura Vitale, did you ever imagine that one of your most ardent fans would watch most of your videos while sitting on the pot? On Ruby’s behalf as well as my own, I’d like to thank you

The First Day of School

Today was our first day at Ruby’s new speech and language specialized school (see my discovery of it here). People have asked if Ruby was excited. The answer to that question, about something she’s been hearing about happening in the future,

The First Day of School

Today was our first day at Ruby’s new speech and language specialized school (see my discovery of it here). People have asked if Ruby was excited. The answer to that question, about something she’s been hearing about happening in the future,