Monthly Archives: February 2014

Three Things I Won’t Miss About Speech Therapy if My Daughter Ever Stops Needing It

1. Getting There (including, but not limited to, keeping a child who stumbles and falls regularly safe on a 12 foot wide subway platform with likely death beckoning from either side, and the friendly, thinly veiled amateur assessments conducted by

Three Things I Won’t Miss About Speech Therapy if My Daughter Ever Stops Needing It

1. Getting There (including, but not limited to, keeping a child who stumbles and falls regularly safe on a 12 foot wide subway platform with likely death beckoning from either side, and the friendly, thinly veiled amateur assessments conducted by

The North Woods

We took a trip to the North Woods of Wisconsin to visit Andrew’s father and stepmother. Having heard about their massive snowfalls and extreme cold, while losing patience with winter here in New York, I’d been slightly skeptical about traveling

The North Woods

We took a trip to the North Woods of Wisconsin to visit Andrew’s father and stepmother. Having heard about their massive snowfalls and extreme cold, while losing patience with winter here in New York, I’d been slightly skeptical about traveling

Why Did You Ask Me That?

This morning I got Ruby to school late, and chatted with the occupational therapist while Ruby joined a table of children making Valentines. The OT told me Ruby’s been doing better at practicing taking her clothes on and off, which

Why Did You Ask Me That?

This morning I got Ruby to school late, and chatted with the occupational therapist while Ruby joined a table of children making Valentines. The OT told me Ruby’s been doing better at practicing taking her clothes on and off, which