Category Archives: PRACTICE vs. APRAXIA

Everything is so Wondrous

“What are Ruby’s favorite cartoon characters?” her teacher asked. “It can be a nice break for the parents…” my mom said. And the clincher, from an astute friend: “Does Ruby watch any tv? My boyfriend’s nephew watches Curious George. I

Everything is so Wondrous

“What are Ruby’s favorite cartoon characters?” her teacher asked. “It can be a nice break for the parents…” my mom said. And the clincher, from an astute friend: “Does Ruby watch any tv? My boyfriend’s nephew watches Curious George. I

Peeing is the New Pooping

Hilah Johnson and Laura Vitale, did you ever imagine that one of your most ardent fans would watch most of your videos while sitting on the pot? On Ruby’s behalf as well as my own, I’d like to thank you

Peeing is the New Pooping

Hilah Johnson and Laura Vitale, did you ever imagine that one of your most ardent fans would watch most of your videos while sitting on the pot? On Ruby’s behalf as well as my own, I’d like to thank you

The First Day of School

Today was our first day at Ruby’s new speech and language specialized school (see my discovery of it here). People have asked if Ruby was excited. The answer to that question, about something she’s been hearing about happening in the future,

The First Day of School

Today was our first day at Ruby’s new speech and language specialized school (see my discovery of it here). People have asked if Ruby was excited. The answer to that question, about something she’s been hearing about happening in the future,

Superfoods / A Village

I started wondering if I should supplement Ruby’s diet with fish oil, or with some other Omega 3 supplement. I’ve known that some people supplement their children with apraxia with extra Omega 3 fatty acids for some time, and I’ve read

Superfoods / A Village

I started wondering if I should supplement Ruby’s diet with fish oil, or with some other Omega 3 supplement. I’ve known that some people supplement their children with apraxia with extra Omega 3 fatty acids for some time, and I’ve read

Apraxia Awareness

Last night I read Ruby “In the Night Kitchen” by Maurice Sendak. This classic is one of my favorite books to read her, because it’s wonderfully illustrated, amusing to both of us and not irritating to me, and because I

Apraxia Awareness

Last night I read Ruby “In the Night Kitchen” by Maurice Sendak. This classic is one of my favorite books to read her, because it’s wonderfully illustrated, amusing to both of us and not irritating to me, and because I

Three Things I Won’t Miss About Speech Therapy if My Daughter Ever Stops Needing It

1. Getting There (including, but not limited to, keeping a child who stumbles and falls regularly safe on a 12 foot wide subway platform with likely death beckoning from either side, and the friendly, thinly veiled amateur assessments conducted by

Three Things I Won’t Miss About Speech Therapy if My Daughter Ever Stops Needing It

1. Getting There (including, but not limited to, keeping a child who stumbles and falls regularly safe on a 12 foot wide subway platform with likely death beckoning from either side, and the friendly, thinly veiled amateur assessments conducted by

Why Did You Ask Me That?

This morning I got Ruby to school late, and chatted with the occupational therapist while Ruby joined a table of children making Valentines. The OT told me Ruby’s been doing better at practicing taking her clothes on and off, which

Why Did You Ask Me That?

This morning I got Ruby to school late, and chatted with the occupational therapist while Ruby joined a table of children making Valentines. The OT told me Ruby’s been doing better at practicing taking her clothes on and off, which

Time to Get Rough

The first time I became aware that one was not simply the kind of person who was capable of doing something, but rather went through the process of doing it, from scratch, without any pre-determined capacity, and thus became a

Time to Get Rough

The first time I became aware that one was not simply the kind of person who was capable of doing something, but rather went through the process of doing it, from scratch, without any pre-determined capacity, and thus became a

Work It Wednesday

In this house we are decidedly never WORDLESS. But, I want to play the picture game, so here’s WORK IT WEDNESDAY : This pizza video is a throwback…two years ago! The beginning of a love affair with mushrooms.

Work It Wednesday

In this house we are decidedly never WORDLESS. But, I want to play the picture game, so here’s WORK IT WEDNESDAY : This pizza video is a throwback…two years ago! The beginning of a love affair with mushrooms.

Anatomy of an IEP Meeting: Part 1

(I wrote this in the summer about Ruby’s IEP meeting at the end of pre-K. I sent it to the Motherlode blog of the NYT, and was rejected with the line, “sometimes things just don’t work out.” What better place

Anatomy of an IEP Meeting: Part 1

(I wrote this in the summer about Ruby’s IEP meeting at the end of pre-K. I sent it to the Motherlode blog of the NYT, and was rejected with the line, “sometimes things just don’t work out.” What better place